ow up just on page X of a Static Front Page. //NOTE: The query variable 'page' holds the pagenumber for a single paginated Post or Page that includes the Quicktag in the post content. 'ignore_sticky_posts', // (boolean) - ignore sticky posts or not (available with Version 3.1, replaced caller_get_posts parameter). Default value is 0 - don't ignore sticky posts. Note: ignore/exclude sticky posts being included at the beginning of posts returned, but the sticky post will still be returned in the natural order of that list of posts returned. //////Order & Orderby Parameters - Sort retrieved posts. //http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Query#Order_.26_Orderby_Parameters 'order', //(string) - Designates the ascending or descending order of the 'orderby' parameter. Default to 'DESC'. //Possible Values: 'orderby', //(string) - Sort retrieved posts by parameter. Defaults to 'date'. One or more options can be passed. EX: 'orderby' => 'menu_order title' //Possible Values: //'none' - No order (available with Version 2.8). //'ID' - Order by post id. Note the captialization. //'author' - Order by author. //'title' - Order by title. //'name' - Order by post name (post slug). //'date' - Order by date. //'modified' - Order by last modified date. //'parent' - Order by post/page parent id. //'rand' - Random order. //'comment_count' - Order by number of comments (available with Version 2.9). //'menu_order' - Order by Page Order. Used most often for Pages (Order field in the EdiPage Attributes box) and for Attachments (the integer fields in the Insert / Upload MediGallery dialog), but could be used for any post type with distinct 'menu_order' values (theall default to 0). //'meta_value' - Note that a 'meta_key=keyname' must also be present in the query. Note alsthat the sorting will be alphabetical which is fine for strings (i.e. words), but can bunexpected for numbers (e.g. 1, 3, 34, 4, 56, 6, etc, rather than 1, 3, 4, 6, 34, 56 as yomight naturally expect). //'meta_value_num' - Order by numeric meta value (available with Version 2.8). Also notthat a 'meta_key=keyname' must also be present in the query. This value allows for numericasorting as noted above in 'meta_value'. //'title menu_order' - Order by both menu_order AND title at the same time. For more info see: http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/2969/order-by-menu-order-and-title //'post__in' - Preserve post ID order given in the post__in array (available with Version 3.5). //////Date Parameters - Show posts associated with a certain time and date period. //http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Query#Date_Parameters 'year', //(int) - 4 digit year (e.g. 2011). 'monthnum', //(int) - Month number (from 1 to 12). 'w', //(int) - Week of the year (from 0 to 53). Uses the MySQL WEEK command. The mode is dependenon the "start_of_week" option. 'day', //(int) - Day of the month (from 1 to 31). 'hour', //(int) - Hour (from 0 to 23). 'minute', //(int) - Minute (from 0 to 60). 'second', //(int) - Second (0 to 60). 'm', //(int) - YearMonth (For e.g.: 201307). 'date_query', //(array) - Date parameters (available with Version 3.7). //these are super powerful. check out the codex for more comprehensive code examples http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Query#Date_Parameters //////Custom Field Parameters - Show posts associated with a certain custom field. //http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Query#Custom_Field_Parameters 'meta_key', //(string) - Custom field key. 'meta_value', //(string) - Custom field value. 'meta_value_num', //(number) - Custom field value. 'meta_compare', //(string) - Operator to test the 'meta_value'. Possible values are '!=', '>', '>=', '<', or ='. Default value is '='. 'meta_query', //(array) - Custom field parameters (available with Version 3.1). //////Permission Parameters - Display published posts, as well as private posts, if the user has the appropriate capability: //http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Query#Permission_Parameters 'perm', //(string) Possible values are 'readable', 'editable' //////Caching Parameters //http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Query#Caching_Parameters //NOTE Caching is a good thing. Setting these to false is generally not advised. 'cache_results', //(bool) Default is true - Post information cache. 'update_post_term_cache', //(bool) Default is true - Post meta information cache. 'update_post_meta_cache', //(bool) Default is true - Post term information cache. 'no_found_rows', //(bool) Default is false. WordPress uses SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS in most queries in order to implement pagination. Even when you donтАЩt need pagination at all. By Setting this parameter to true you are telling wordPress not to count the total rows and reducing load on the DB. Pagination will NOT WORK when this parameter is set to true. For more information see: http://flavio.tordini.org/speed-up-wordpress-get_posts-and-query_posts-functions //////Search Parameter //http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Query#Search_Parameter 's', //(string) - Passes along the query string variable from a search. For example usage see: http://www.wprecipes.com/how-to-display-the-number-of-results-in-wordpress-search 'exact', //(bool) - flag to make it only match whole titles/posts - Default value is false. For more information see: https://gist.github.com/2023628#gistcomment-285118 'sentence', //(bool) - flag to make it do a phrase search - Default value is false. For more information see: https://gist.github.com/2023628#gistcomment-285118 //////Post Field Parameters //For more info see: http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Query#Return_Fields_Parameter //also https://gist.github.com/luetkemj/2023628/#comment-1003542 'fields', ); return $args; } /** * Recursive sanitation for an array * * @param $array * * @return mixed */ public static function recursive_sanitize_text_field($array) { if (!\is_array($array)) { return sanitize_text_field($array); } foreach ($array as $key => &$value) { if (\is_array($value)) { $value = self::recursive_sanitize_text_field($value); } else { $value = sanitize_text_field($value); } } return $array; } /** * Convert ACF Post Objects to IDS * * @param object|array|void $input * * @return array|void */ public static function convert_acf_post_objects_to_ids($input) { if (\is_array($input)) { if (!empty($input) && \is_object($input[0])) { return \array_map(function ($post) { return $post->ID; }, $input); } return $input; } elseif (\is_object($input)) { return $input->ID ?? ''; } return $input; } }
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