SS rule, and all tags are stripped for security. $all_max_width_value = safecss_filter_attr( explode( ';', $all_max_width_value )[0] ); $wide_max_width_value = safecss_filter_attr( explode( ';', $wide_max_width_value )[0] ); $margin_left = 'left' === $justify_content ? '0 !important' : 'auto !important'; $margin_right = 'right' === $justify_content ? '0 !important' : 'auto !important'; if ( $content_size || $wide_size ) { array_push( $layout_styles, array( 'selector' => "$selector > :where(:not(.alignleft):not(.alignright):not(.alignfull))", 'declarations' => array( 'max-width' => $all_max_width_value, 'margin-left' => $margin_left, 'margin-right' => $margin_right, ), ), array( 'selector' => "$selector > .alignwide", 'declarations' => array( 'max-width' => $wide_max_width_value ), ), array( 'selector' => "$selector .alignfull", 'declarations' => array( 'max-width' => 'none' ), ) ); if ( isset( $block_spacing ) ) { $block_spacing_values = wp_style_engine_get_styles( array( 'spacing' => $block_spacing, ) ); /* * Handle negative margins for alignfull children of blocks with custom padding set. * They're added separately because padding might only be set on one side. */ if ( isset( $block_spacing_values['declarations']['padding-right'] ) ) { $padding_right = $block_spacing_values['declarations']['padding-right']; $layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => "$selector > .alignfull", 'declarations' => array( 'margin-right' => "calc($padding_right * -1)" ), ); } if ( isset( $block_spacing_values['declarations']['padding-left'] ) ) { $padding_left = $block_spacing_values['declarations']['padding-left']; $layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => "$selector > .alignfull", 'declarations' => array( 'margin-left' => "calc($padding_left * -1)" ), ); } } } if ( 'left' === $justify_content ) { $layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => "$selector > :where(:not(.alignleft):not(.alignright):not(.alignfull))", 'declarations' => array( 'margin-left' => '0 !important' ), ); } if ( 'right' === $justify_content ) { $layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => "$selector > :where(:not(.alignleft):not(.alignright):not(.alignfull))", 'declarations' => array( 'margin-right' => '0 !important' ), ); } if ( $has_block_gap_support ) { if ( is_array( $gap_value ) ) { $gap_value = isset( $gap_value['top'] ) ? $gap_value['top'] : null; } if ( null !== $gap_value && ! $should_skip_gap_serialization ) { // Get spacing CSS variable from preset value if provided. if ( is_string( $gap_value ) && str_contains( $gap_value, 'var:preset|spacing|' ) ) { $index_to_splice = strrpos( $gap_value, '|' ) + 1; $slug = _wp_to_kebab_case( substr( $gap_value, $index_to_splice ) ); $gap_value = "var(--wp--preset--spacing--$slug)"; } array_push( $layout_styles, array( 'selector' => "$selector > *", 'declarations' => array( 'margin-block-start' => '0', 'margin-block-end' => '0', ), ), array( 'selector' => "$selector$selector > * + *", 'declarations' => array( 'margin-block-start' => $gap_value, 'margin-block-end' => '0', ), ) ); } } } elseif ( 'flex' === $layout_type ) { $layout_orientation = isset( $layout['orientation'] ) ? $layout['orientation'] : 'horizontal'; $justify_content_options = array( 'left' => 'flex-start', 'right' => 'flex-end', 'center' => 'center', ); $vertical_alignment_options = array( 'top' => 'flex-start', 'center' => 'center', 'bottom' => 'flex-end', ); if ( 'horizontal' === $layout_orientation ) { $justify_content_options += array( 'space-between' => 'space-between' ); $vertical_alignment_options += array( 'stretch' => 'stretch' ); } else { $justify_content_options += array( 'stretch' => 'stretch' ); $vertical_alignment_options += array( 'space-between' => 'space-between' ); } if ( ! empty( $layout['flexWrap'] ) && 'nowrap' === $layout['flexWrap'] ) { $layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => $selector, 'declarations' => array( 'flex-wrap' => 'nowrap' ), ); } if ( $has_block_gap_support && isset( $gap_value ) ) { $combined_gap_value = ''; $gap_sides = is_array( $gap_value ) ? array( 'top', 'left' ) : array( 'top' ); foreach ( $gap_sides as $gap_side ) { $process_value = $gap_value; if ( is_array( $gap_value ) ) { $process_value = isset( $gap_value[ $gap_side ] ) ? $gap_value[ $gap_side ] : $fallback_gap_value; } // Get spacing CSS variable from preset value if provided. if ( is_string( $process_value ) && str_contains( $process_value, 'var:preset|spacing|' ) ) { $index_to_splice = strrpos( $process_value, '|' ) + 1; $slug = _wp_to_kebab_case( substr( $process_value, $index_to_splice ) ); $process_value = "var(--wp--preset--spacing--$slug)"; } $combined_gap_value .= "$process_value "; } $gap_value = trim( $combined_gap_value ); if ( null !== $gap_value && ! $should_skip_gap_serialization ) { $layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => $selector, 'declarations' => array( 'gap' => $gap_value ), ); } } if ( 'horizontal' === $layout_orientation ) { /* * Add this style only if is not empty for backwards compatibility, * since we intend to convert blocks that had flex layout implemented * by custom css. */ if ( ! empty( $layout['justifyContent'] ) && array_key_exists( $layout['justifyContent'], $justify_content_options ) ) { $layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => $selector, 'declarations' => array( 'justify-content' => $justify_content_options[ $layout['justifyContent'] ] ), ); } if ( ! empty( $layout['verticalAlignment'] ) && array_key_exists( $layout['verticalAlignment'], $vertical_alignment_options ) ) { $layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => $selector, 'declarations' => array( 'align-items' => $vertical_alignment_options[ $layout['verticalAlignment'] ] ), ); } } else { $layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => $selector, 'declarations' => array( 'flex-direction' => 'column' ), ); if ( ! empty( $layout['justifyContent'] ) && array_key_exists( $layout['justifyContent'], $justify_content_options ) ) { $layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => $selector, 'declarations' => array( 'align-items' => $justify_content_options[ $layout['justifyContent'] ] ), ); } else { $layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => $selector, 'declarations' => array( 'align-items' => 'flex-start' ), ); } if ( ! empty( $layout['verticalAlignment'] ) && array_key_exists( $layout['verticalAlignment'], $vertical_alignment_options ) ) { $layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => $selector, 'declarations' => array( 'justify-content' => $vertical_alignment_options[ $layout['verticalAlignment'] ] ), ); } } } elseif ( 'grid' === $layout_type ) { if ( ! empty( $layout['columnCount'] ) ) { $layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => $selector, 'declarations' => array( 'grid-template-columns' => 'repeat(' . $layout['columnCount'] . ', minmax(0, 1fr))' ), ); } else { $minimum_column_width = ! empty( $layout['minimumColumnWidth'] ) ? $layout['minimumColumnWidth'] : '12rem'; $layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => $selector, 'declarations' => array( 'grid-template-columns' => 'repeat(auto-fill, minmax(min(' . $minimum_column_width . ', 100%), 1fr))' ), ); } if ( $has_block_gap_support && isset( $gap_value ) ) { $combined_gap_value = ''; $gap_sides = is_array( $gap_value ) ? array( 'top', 'left' ) : array( 'top' ); foreach ( $gap_sides as $gap_side ) { $process_value = $gap_value; if ( is_array( $gap_value ) ) { $process_value = isset( $gap_value[ $gap_side ] ) ? $gap_value[ $gap_side ] : $fallback_gap_value; } // Get spacing CSS variable from preset value if provided. if ( is_string( $process_value ) && str_contains( $process_value, 'var:preset|spacing|' ) ) { $index_to_splice = strrpos( $process_value, '|' ) + 1; $slug = _wp_to_kebab_case( substr( $process_value, $index_to_splice ) ); $process_value = "var(--wp--preset--spacing--$slug)"; } $combined_gap_value .= "$process_value "; } $gap_value = trim( $combined_gap_value ); if ( null !== $gap_value && ! $should_skip_gap_serialization ) { $layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => $selector, 'declarations' => array( 'gap' => $gap_value ), ); } } } if ( ! empty( $layout_styles ) ) { /* * Add to the style engine store to enqueue and render layout styles. * Return compiled layout styles to retain backwards compatibility. * Since, * wp_enqueue_block_support_styles is no longer called in this block supports file. */ return wp_style_engine_get_stylesheet_from_css_rules( $layout_styles, array( 'context' => 'block-supports', 'prettify' => false, ) ); } return ''; } /** * Renders the layout config to the block wrapper. * * @since 5.8.0 * @since 6.3.0 Adds compound class to layout wrapper for global spacing styles. * @since 6.3.0 Check for layout support via the `layout` key with fallback to `__experimentalLayout`. * @access private * * @param string $block_content Rendered block content. * @param array $block Block object. * @return string Filtered block content. */ function wp_render_layout_support_flag( $block_content, $block ) { $block_type = WP_Block_Type_Registry::get_instance()->get_registered( $block['blockName'] ); $block_supports_layout = block_has_support( $block_type, 'layout', false ) || block_has_support( $block_type, '__experimentalLayout', false ); $layout_from_parent = isset( $block['attrs']['style']['layout']['selfStretch'] ) ? $block['attrs']['style']['layout']['selfStretch'] : null; if ( ! $block_supports_layout && ! $layout_from_parent ) { return $block_content; } $outer_class_names = array(); if ( 'fixed' === $layout_from_parent || 'fill' === $layout_from_parent ) { $container_content_class = wp_unique_id( 'wp-container-content-' ); $child_layout_styles = array(); if ( 'fixed' === $layout_from_parent && isset( $block['attrs']['style']['layout']['flexSize'] ) ) { $child_layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => ".$container_content_class", 'declarations' => array( 'flex-basis' => $block['attrs']['style']['layout']['flexSize'], 'box-sizing' => 'border-box', ), ); } elseif ( 'fill' === $layout_from_parent ) { $child_layout_styles[] = array( 'selector' => ".$container_content_class", 'declarations' => array( 'flex-grow' => '1', ), ); } wp_style_engine_get_stylesheet_from_css_rules( $child_layout_styles, array( 'context' => 'block-supports', 'prettify' => false, ) ); $outer_class_names[] = $container_content_class; } // Prep the processor for modifying the block output. $processor = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $block_content ); // Having no tags implies there are no tags onto which to add class names. if ( ! $processor->next_tag() ) { return $block_content; } /* * A block may not support layout but still be affected by a parent block's layout. * * In these cases add the appropriate class names and then return early; there's * no need to investigate on this block whether additional layout constraints apply. */ if ( ! $block_supports_layout && ! empty( $outer_class_names ) ) { foreach ( $outer_class_names as $class_name ) { $processor->add_class( $class_name ); } return $processor->get_updated_html(); } elseif ( ! $block_supports_layout ) { // Ensure layout classnames are not injected if there is no layout support. return $block_content; } $global_settings = wp_get_global_settings(); $fallback_layout = isset( $block_type->supports['layout']['default'] ) ? $block_type->supports['layout']['default'] : array(); if ( empty( $fallback_layout ) ) { $fallback_layout = isset( $block_type->supports['__experimentalLayout']['default'] ) ? $block_type->supports['__experimentalLayout']['default'] : array(); } $used_layout = isset( $block['attrs']['layout'] ) ? $block['attrs']['layout'] : $fallback_layout; $class_names = array(); $layout_definitions = wp_get_layout_definitions(); /* * Uses an incremental ID that is independent per prefix to make sure that * rendering different numbers of blocks doesn't affect the IDs of other * blocks. Makes the CSS class names stable across paginations * for features like the enhanced pagination of the Query block. */ $container_class = wp_unique_prefixed_id( 'wp-container-' . sanitize_title( $block['blockName'] ) . '-is-layout-' ); // Set the correct layout type for blocks using legacy content width. if ( isset( $used_layout['inherit'] ) && $used_layout['inherit'] || isset( $used_layout['contentSize'] ) && $used_layout['contentSize'] ) { $used_layout['type'] = 'constrained'; } $root_padding_aware_alignments = isset( $global_settings['useRootPaddingAwareAlignments'] ) ? $global_settings['useRootPaddingAwareAlignments'] : false; if ( $root_padding_aware_alignments && isset( $used_layout['type'] ) && 'constrained' === $used_layout['type'] ) { $class_names[] = 'has-global-padding'; } /* * The following section was added to reintroduce a small set of layout classnames that were * removed in the 5.9 release ( It is * not intended to provide an extended set of classes to match all block layout attributes * here. */ if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['layout']['orientation'] ) ) { $class_names[] = 'is-' . sanitize_title( $block['attrs']['layout']['orientation'] ); } if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['layout']['justifyContent'] ) ) { $class_names[] = 'is-content-justification-' . sanitize_title( $block['attrs']['layout']['justifyContent'] ); } if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['layout']['flexWrap'] ) && 'nowrap' === $block['attrs']['layout']['flexWrap'] ) { $class_names[] = 'is-nowrap'; } // Get classname for layout type. if ( isset( $used_layout['type'] ) ) { $layout_classname = isset( $layout_definitions[ $used_layout['type'] ]['className'] ) ? $layout_definitions[ $used_layout['type'] ]['className'] : ''; } else { $layout_classname = isset( $layout_definitions['default']['className'] ) ? $layout_definitions['default']['className'] : ''; } if ( $layout_classname && is_string( $layout_classname ) ) { $class_names[] = sanitize_title( $layout_classname ); } /* * Only generate Layout styles if the theme has not opted-out. * Attribute-based Layout classnames are output in all cases. */ if ( ! current_theme_supports( 'disable-layout-styles' ) ) { $gap_value = isset( $block['attrs']['style']['spacing']['blockGap'] ) ? $block['attrs']['style']['spacing']['blockGap'] : null; /* * Skip if gap value contains unsupported characters. * Regex for CSS value borrowed from `safecss_filter_attr`, and used here * to only match against the value, not the CSS attribute. */ if ( is_array( $gap_value ) ) { foreach ( $gap_value as $key => $value ) { $gap_value[ $key ] = $value && preg_match( '%[\\\(&=}]|/\*%', $value ) ? null : $value; } } else { $gap_value = $gap_value && preg_match( '%[\\\(&=}]|/\*%', $gap_value ) ? null : $gap_value; } $fallback_gap_value = isset( $block_type->supports['spacing']['blockGap']['__experimentalDefault'] ) ? $block_type->supports['spacing']['blockGap']['__experimentalDefault'] : '0.5em'; $block_spacing = isset( $block['attrs']['style']['spacing'] ) ? $block['attrs']['style']['spacing'] : null; /* * If a block's block.json skips serialization for spacing or spacing.blockGap, * don't apply the user-defined value to the styles. */ $should_skip_gap_serialization = wp_should_skip_block_supports_serialization( $block_type, 'spacing', 'blockGap' ); $block_gap = isset( $global_settings['spacing']['blockGap'] ) ? $global_settings['spacing']['blockGap'] : null; $has_block_gap_support = isset( $block_gap ); $style = wp_get_layout_style( ".$container_class.$container_class", $used_layout, $has_block_gap_support, $gap_value, $should_skip_gap_serialization, $fallback_gap_value, $block_spacing ); // Only add container class and enqueue block support styles if unique styles were generated. if ( ! empty( $style ) ) { $class_names[] = $container_class; } } // Add combined layout and block classname for global styles to hook onto. $block_name = explode( '/', $block['blockName'] ); $class_names[] = 'wp-block-' . end( $block_name ) . '-' . $layout_classname; // Add classes to the outermost HTML tag if necessary. if ( ! empty( $outer_class_names ) ) { foreach ( $outer_class_names as $outer_class_name ) { $processor->add_class( $outer_class_name ); } } /** * Attempts to refer to the inner-block wrapping element by its class attribute. * * When examining a block's inner content, if a block has inner blocks, then * the first content item will likely be a text (HTML) chunk immediately * preceding the inner blocks. The last HTML tag in that chunk would then be * an opening tag for an element that wraps the inner blocks. * * There's no reliable way to associate this wrapper in $block_content because * it may have changed during the rendering pipeline (as inner contents is * provided before rendering) and through previous filters. In many cases, * however, the `class` attribute will be a good-enough identifier, so this * code finds the last tag in that chunk and stores the `class` attribute * so that it can be used later when working through the rendered block output * to identify the wrapping element and add the remaining class names to it. * * It's also possible that no inner block wrapper even exists. If that's the * case this code could apply the class names to an invalid element. * * Example: * * $block['innerBlocks'] = array( $list_item ); * $block['innerContent'] = array( '' ); * * // After rendering, the initial contents may have been modified by other renderers or filters. * $block_content = << *
It's a list!
* * HTML; * * Although it is possible that the original block-wrapper classes are changed in $block_content * from how they appear in $block['innerContent'], it's likely that the original class attributes * are still present in the wrapper as they are in this example. Frequently, additional classes * will also be present; rarely should classes be removed. * * @todo Find a better way to match the first inner block. If it's possible to identify where the * first inner block starts, then it will be possible to find the last tag before it starts * and then that tag, if an opening tag, can be solidly identified as a wrapping element. * Can some unique value or class or ID be added to the inner blocks when they process * so that they can be extracted here safely without guessing? Can the block rendering function * return information about where the rendered inner blocks start? * * @var string|null */ $inner_block_wrapper_classes = null; $first_chunk = isset( $block['innerContent'][0] ) ? $block['innerContent'][0] : null; if ( is_string( $first_chunk ) && count( $block['innerContent'] ) > 1 ) { $first_chunk_processor = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $first_chunk ); while ( $first_chunk_processor->next_tag() ) { $class_attribute = $first_chunk_processor->get_attribute( 'class' ); if ( is_string( $class_attribute ) && ! empty( $class_attribute ) ) { $inner_block_wrapper_classes = $class_attribute; } } } /* * If necessary, advance to what is likely to be an inner block wrapper tag. * * This advances until it finds the first tag containing the original class * attribute from above. If none is found it will scan to the end of the block * and fail to add any class names. * * If there is no block wrapper it won't advance at all, in which case the * class names will be added to the first and outermost tag of the block. * For cases where this outermost tag is the only tag surrounding inner * blocks then the outer wrapper and inner wrapper are the same. */ do { if ( ! $inner_block_wrapper_classes ) { break; } $class_attribute = $processor->get_attribute( 'class' ); if ( is_string( $class_attribute ) && str_contains( $class_attribute, $inner_block_wrapper_classes ) ) { break; } } while ( $processor->next_tag() ); // Add the remaining class names. foreach ( $class_names as $class_name ) { $processor->add_class( $class_name ); } return $processor->get_updated_html(); } // Register the block support. WP_Block_Supports::get_instance()->register( 'layout', array( 'register_attribute' => 'wp_register_layout_support', ) ); add_filter( 'render_block', 'wp_render_layout_support_flag', 10, 2 ); /** * For themes without theme.json file, make sure * to restore the inner div for the group block * to avoid breaking styles relying on that div. * * @since 5.8.0 * @access private * * @param string $block_content Rendered block content. * @param array $block Block object. * @return string Filtered block content. */ function wp_restore_group_inner_container( $block_content, $block ) { $tag_name = isset( $block['attrs']['tagName'] ) ? $block['attrs']['tagName'] : 'div'; $group_with_inner_container_regex = sprintf( '/(^\s*<%1$s\b[^>]*wp-block-group(\s|")[^>]*>)(\s*]*wp-block-group__inner-container(\s|")[^>]*>)((.|\S|\s)*)/U', preg_quote( $tag_name, '/' ) ); if ( wp_theme_has_theme_json() || 1 === preg_match( $group_with_inner_container_regex, $block_content ) || ( isset( $block['attrs']['layout']['type'] ) && 'flex' === $block['attrs']['layout']['type'] ) ) { return $block_content; } /* * This filter runs after the layout classnames have been added to the block, so they * have to be removed from the outer wrapper and then added to the inner. */ $layout_classes = array(); $processor = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $block_content ); if ( $processor->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'wp-block-group' ) ) ) { foreach ( $processor->class_list() as $class_name ) { if ( str_contains( $class_name, 'is-layout-' ) ) { $layout_classes[] = $class_name; $processor->remove_class( $class_name ); } } } $content_without_layout_classes = $processor->get_updated_html(); $replace_regex = sprintf( '/(^\s*<%1$s\b[^>]*wp-block-group[^>]*>)(.*)(<\/%1$s>\s*$)/ms', preg_quote( $tag_name, '/' ) ); $updated_content = preg_replace_callback( $replace_regex, static function ( $matches ) { return $matches[1] . '
' . $matches[2] . '
' . $matches[3]; }, $content_without_layout_classes ); // Add layout classes to inner wrapper. if ( ! empty( $layout_classes ) ) { $processor = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $updated_content ); if ( $processor->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'wp-block-group__inner-container' ) ) ) { foreach ( $layout_classes as $class_name ) { $processor->add_class( $class_name ); } } $updated_content = $processor->get_updated_html(); } return $updated_content; } add_filter( 'render_block_core/group', 'wp_restore_group_inner_container', 10, 2 ); /** * For themes without theme.json file, make sure * to restore the outer div for the aligned image block * to avoid breaking styles relying on that div. * * @since 6.0.0 * @access private * * @param string $block_content Rendered block content. * @param array $block Block object. * @return string Filtered block content. */ function wp_restore_image_outer_container( $block_content, $block ) { $image_with_align = " /# 1) everything up to the class attribute contents ( ^\s* ]* \bclass= [\"'] ) # 2) the class attribute contents ( [^\"']* \bwp-block-image\b [^\"']* \b(?:alignleft|alignright|aligncenter)\b [^\"']* ) # 3) everything after the class attribute contents ( [\"'] [^>]* > .* <\/figure> )/iUx"; if ( wp_theme_has_theme_json() || 0 === preg_match( $image_with_align, $block_content, $matches ) ) { return $block_content; } $wrapper_classnames = array( 'wp-block-image' ); // If the block has a classNames attribute these classnames need to be removed from the content and added back // to the new wrapper div also. if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['className'] ) ) { $wrapper_classnames = array_merge( $wrapper_classnames, explode( ' ', $block['attrs']['className'] ) ); } $content_classnames = explode( ' ', $matches[2] ); $filtered_content_classnames = array_diff( $content_classnames, $wrapper_classnames ); return '
' . $matches[1] . implode( ' ', $filtered_content_classnames ) . $matches[3] . '
'; } add_filter( 'render_block_core/image', 'wp_restore_image_outer_container', 10, 2 ); lon' => '', 'menu_name' => esc_html__( 'Landing Pages', 'elementor' ), ]; $args = [ 'labels' => $labels, 'public' => true, 'show_in_menu' => 'edit.php?post_type=elementor_library&tabs_group=library', 'capability_type' => 'page', 'taxonomies' => [ Source_Local::TAXONOMY_TYPE_SLUG ], 'supports' => [ 'title', 'editor', 'comments', 'revisions', 'trackbacks', 'author', 'excerpt', 'page-attributes', 'thumbnail', 'custom-fields', 'post-formats', 'elementor' ], ]; register_post_type( self::CPT, $args ); } /** * Remove Post Type Slug * * Landing Pages are supposed to act exactly like pages. This includes their URLs being directly under the site's * domain name. Since "Landing Pages" is a CPT, WordPress automatically adds the landing page slug as a prefix to * it's posts' permalinks. This method checks if the post's post type is Landing Pages, and if it is, it removes * the CPT slug from the requested post URL. * * Runs on the 'post_type_link' filter. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @param $post_link * @param $post * @param $leavename * @return string|string[] */ private function remove_post_type_slug( $post_link, $post, $leavename ) { // Only try to modify the permalink if the post is a Landing Page. if ( self::CPT !== $post->post_type || 'publish' !== $post->post_status ) { return $post_link; } // Any slug prefixes need to be removed from the post link. return get_home_url() . '/' . $post->post_name . '/'; } /** * Adjust Landing Page Query * * Since Landing Pages are a CPT but should act like pages, the WP_Query that is used to fetch the page from the * database needs to be adjusted. This method adds the Landing Pages CPT to the list of queried post types, to * make sure the database query finds the correct Landing Page to display. * Runs on the 'pre_get_posts' action. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @param \WP_Query $query */ private function adjust_landing_page_query( \WP_Query $query ) { // Only handle actual pages. if ( ! $query->is_main_query() // If the query is not for a page. || ! isset( $query->query['page'] ) // If the query is for a static home/blog page. || is_home() // If the post type comes already set, the main query is probably a custom one made by another plugin. // In this case we do not want to intervene in order to not cause a conflict. || isset( $query->query['post_type'] ) ) { return; } // Create the post types property as an array and include the landing pages CPT in it. $query_post_types = [ 'post', 'page', self::CPT ]; // Since WordPress determined this is supposed to be a page, we'll pre-set the post_type query arg to make sure // it includes the Landing Page CPT, so when the query is parsed, our CPT will be a legitimate match to the // Landing Page's permalink (that is directly under the domain, without a CPT slug prefix). In some cases, // The 'name' property will be set, and in others it is the 'pagename', so we have to cover both cases. if ( ! empty( $query->query['name'] ) ) { $query->set( 'post_type', $query_post_types ); } elseif ( ! empty( $query->query['pagename'] ) && false === strpos( $query->query['pagename'], '/' ) ) { $query->set( 'post_type', $query_post_types ); // We also need to set the name query var since redirect_guess_404_permalink() relies on it. add_filter( 'pre_redirect_guess_404_permalink', function( $value ) use ( $query ) { set_query_var( 'name', $query->query['pagename'] ); return $value; } ); } } /** * Handle 404 * * This method runs after a page is not found in the database, but before a page is returned as a 404. * These cases are handled in this filter callback, that runs on the 'pre_handle_404' filter. * * In some cases (such as when a site uses custom permalink structures), WordPress's WP_Query does not identify a * Landing Page's URL as a post belonging to the Landing Page CPT. Some cases are handled successfully by the * adjust_landing_page_query() method, but some are not and still trigger a 404 process. This method handles such * cases by overriding the $wp_query global to fetch the correct landing page post entry. * * For example, since Landing Pages slugs come directly after the site domain name, WP_Query might parse the post * as a category page. Since there is no category matching the slug, it triggers a 404 process. In this case, we * run a query for a Landing Page post with the passed slug ($query->query['category_name']. If a Landing Page * with the passed slug is found, we override the global $wp_query with the new, correct query. * * @param $current_value * @param $query * @return false */ private function handle_404( $current_value, $query ) { global $wp_query; // If another plugin/theme already used this filter, exit here to avoid conflicts. if ( $current_value ) { return $current_value; } if ( // Make sure we only intervene in the main query. ! $query->is_main_query() // If a post was found, this is not a 404 case, so do not intervene. || ! empty( $query->posts ) // This filter is only meant to deal with wrong queries where the only query var is 'category_name'. // If there is no 'category_name' query var, do not intervene. || empty( $query->query['category_name'] ) // If the query is for a real taxonomy (determined by it including a table to search in, such as the // wp_term_relationships table), do not intervene. || ! empty( $query->tax_query->table_aliases ) ) { return false; } // Search for a Landing Page with the same name passed as the 'category name'. $possible_new_query = new \WP_Query( [ 'no_found_rows' => true, 'post_type' => self::CPT, 'name' => $query->query['category_name'], ] ); // Only if such a Landing Page is found, override the query to fetch the correct page. if ( ! empty( $possible_new_query->posts ) ) { $wp_query = $possible_new_query; //phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited } return false; } public function __construct() { $this->permalink_structure = get_option( 'permalink_structure' ); $this->register_landing_page_cpt(); // If there is a permalink structure set to the site, run the hooks that modify the Landing Pages permalinks to // match WordPress' native 'Pages' post type. if ( '' !== $this->permalink_structure ) { // Landing Pages' post link needs to be modified to be identical to the pages permalink structure. This // needs to happen in both the admin and the front end, since post links are also used in the admin pages. add_filter( 'post_type_link', function( $post_link, $post, $leavename ) { return $this->remove_post_type_slug( $post_link, $post, $leavename ); }, 10, 3 ); // The query itself only has to be manipulated when pages are viewed in the front end. if ( ! is_admin() || wp_doing_ajax() ) { add_action( 'pre_get_posts', function ( $query ) { $this->adjust_landing_page_query( $query ); } ); // Handle cases where visiting a Landing Page's URL returns 404. add_filter( 'pre_handle_404', function ( $value, $query ) { return $this->handle_404( $value, $query ); }, 10, 2 ); } } add_action( 'elementor/documents/register', function( Documents_Manager $documents_manager ) { $documents_manager->register_document_type( self::DOCUMENT_TYPE, Landing_Page::get_class_full_name() ); } ); if ( Plugin::$instance->experiments->is_feature_active( 'admin_menu_rearrangement' ) ) { add_action( 'elementor/admin/menu_registered/elementor', function( MainMenu $menu ) { $this->register_admin_menu( $menu ); } ); } else { add_action( 'elementor/admin/menu/register', function( Admin_Menu_Manager $admin_menu ) { $this->register_admin_menu_legacy( $admin_menu ); }, Source_Local::ADMIN_MENU_PRIORITY + 20 ); } // Add the custom 'Add New' link for Landing Pages into Elementor's admin config. add_action( 'elementor/admin/localize_settings', function( array $settings ) { return $this->admin_localize_settings( $settings ); } ); add_filter( 'elementor/template_library/sources/local/register_taxonomy_cpts', function( array $cpts ) { $cpts[] = self::CPT; return $cpts; } ); // In the Landing Pages Admin Table page - Overwrite Template type column header title. add_action( 'manage_' . Landing_Pages_Module::CPT . '_posts_columns', function( $posts_columns ) { /** @var Source_Local $source_local */ $source_local = Plugin::$instance->templates_manager->get_source( 'local' ); return $source_local->admin_columns_headers( $posts_columns ); } ); // In the Landing Pages Admin Table page - Overwrite Template type column row values. add_action( 'manage_' . Landing_Pages_Module::CPT . '_posts_custom_column', function( $column_name, $post_id ) { /** @var Landing_Page $document */ $document = Plugin::$instance->documents->get( $post_id ); $document->admin_columns_content( $column_name ); }, 10, 2 ); // Overwrite the Admin Bar's 'New +' Landing Page URL with the link that creates the new LP in Elementor // with the Template Library modal open. add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', function( $admin_bar ) { // Get the Landing Page menu node. $new_landing_page_node = $admin_bar->get_node( 'new-e-landing-page' ); if ( $new_landing_page_node ) { $new_landing_page_node->href = $this->get_add_new_landing_page_url(); $admin_bar->add_node( $new_landing_page_node ); } }, 100 ); } }
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Elementor\Modules\LandingPages\Module' not found in /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/modules-manager.php:53 Stack trace: #0 /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/plugin.php(730): Elementor\Core\Modules_Manager->__construct() #1 /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/plugin.php(647): Elementor\Plugin->init_components() #2 /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): Elementor\Plugin->init('') #3 /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #4 /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #5 /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-settings.php(695): do_action('init') #6 /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-config.php(102): require_once('/home/sportuga/...') #7 /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-load.php(50): require_once('/home/sportuga/...') #8 /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/home/sportuga/ in /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/modules-manager.php on line 53