lue, \FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== \false) { return 'email'; } // Youtube url if (\is_string($meta_value)) { if (\strpos($meta_value, '') !== \false || \strpos($meta_value, '') !== \false) { return 'youtube'; } $ext = \pathinfo($meta_value, \PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if (\in_array($ext, array('mp3', 'm4a', 'ogg', 'wav', 'wma')) === \true) { return 'audio'; } if (\in_array($ext, array('mp4', 'm4v', 'webm', 'ogv', 'wmv', 'flv')) === \true) { return 'video'; } if (\substr($meta_value, 0, 7) == 'http://' || \substr($meta_value, 0, 8) == 'https://') { return 'url'; } } } } return $meta_type; } public static function get_user_meta($user_id, $meta_key, $fallback = \true, $single = \false) { $meta_value = \false; if ($fallback) { $meta_value = get_post_meta($user_id, $meta_key, $single); } // if (\DynamicContentForElementor\Helper::is_acf_active()) { $acf_fields = \array_keys(self::get_acf_fields()); if (!empty($acf_fields) && \in_array($meta_key, $acf_fields, \true)) { // $meta_value = \get_field($meta_key, 'user_' . $user_id); } } // if (\DynamicContentForElementor\Helper::is_plugin_active('pods')) { $pods_fields = \array_keys(self::get_pods_fields()); if (!empty($pods_fields) && \in_array($meta_key, $pods_fields, \true)) { $meta_value = pods_field_display($meta_key, $user_id); } } return $meta_value; } public static function get_post_metas($grouped = \false, $like = '', $info = \true) { $postMetasGrouped = array(); $postMetas = $postMetasGrouped; // REGISTERED in FUNCTION $cpts = self::get_public_post_types(); foreach ($cpts as $ckey => $cvalue) { $cpt_metas = get_registered_meta_keys($ckey); if (!empty($cpt_metas)) { foreach ($cpt_metas as $fkey => $actpmeta) { if ($like) { $pos_key = \stripos($fkey, $like); if ($pos_key === \false) { continue; } } $field_name = $fkey; if ($info) { $field_name .= ' [' . $actpmeta['type'] . ']'; } $postMetas[$fkey] = $field_name; $postMetasGrouped['CPT_' . $ckey][$fkey] = $field_name; } } } // ACF if (self::is_acf_active()) { // ACF $acf_groups = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'acf-field-group', 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'suppress_filters' => \false)); if (!empty($acf_groups)) { foreach ($acf_groups as $aacf_group) { $is_post_group = \in_array('post', self::get_acf_group_locations($aacf_group)); $aacf_meta = maybe_unserialize($aacf_group->post_content); if ($is_post_group) { $acf = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'acf-field', 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_parent' => $aacf_group->ID, 'suppress_filters' => \false)); if (!empty($acf)) { foreach ($acf as $aacf) { $aacf_meta = maybe_unserialize($aacf->post_content); if ($like) { $pos_key = \stripos($aacf->post_excerpt, $like); $pos_name = \stripos($aacf->post_title, $like); if ($pos_key === \false && $pos_name === \false) { continue; } } $field_name = $aacf->post_title; if ($info) { $field_name .= ' [' . $aacf_meta['type'] . ']'; } $postMetas[$aacf->post_excerpt] = $field_name; $postMetasGrouped['ACF'][$aacf->post_excerpt] = $postMetas[$aacf->post_excerpt]; } } } } } } // PODS if (self::is_plugin_active('pods')) { $pods = get_posts(array('post_type' => '_pods_field', 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'suppress_filters' => \false)); if (!empty($pods)) { foreach ($pods as $apod) { $type = get_post_meta($apod->ID, 'type', \true); $field_name = $apod->post_title; if ($info) { $field_name .= ' [' . $type . ']'; } $postMetas[$apod->post_name] = $field_name; $postMetasGrouped['PODS'][$apod->post_name] = $postMetas[$apod->post_name]; } } } // TOOLSET if (self::is_plugin_active('wpcf')) { $toolset = get_option('wpcf-fields', \false); if ($toolset) { $toolfields = maybe_unserialize($toolset); if (!empty($toolfields)) { foreach ($toolfields as $atool) { $field_name = $atool['name']; if ($info) { $field_name .= ' [' . $atool['type'] . ']'; } $postMetas[$atool['meta_key']] = $field_name; $postMetasGrouped['TOOLSET'][$atool['meta_key']] = $postMetas[$atool['meta_key']]; } } } } // MANUAL global $wpdb; $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT meta_key FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'postmeta'; if ($like) { $query .= " WHERE meta_key LIKE %s"; $prepared_query = $wpdb->prepare($query, '%' . $wpdb->esc_like($like) . '%'); } else { $prepared_query = $query; } $results = $wpdb->get_results($prepared_query); if (!empty($results)) { $metas = array(); foreach ($results as $key => $apost) { $metas[$apost->meta_key] = $apost->meta_key; } \ksort($metas); $manual_metas = \array_diff_key($metas, $postMetas); foreach ($manual_metas as $ameta) { if (\substr($ameta, 0, 8) == '_oembed_') { continue; } if (!isset($postMetas[$ameta])) { $postMetas[$ameta] = $ameta; $postMetasGrouped['NATIVE'][$ameta] = $ameta; } } } if ($grouped) { return $postMetasGrouped; } return $postMetas; } public static function get_relationship_pods($grouped = \false, $like = '', $info = \true) { $postMetasGrouped = []; $postMetas = []; $pods = get_posts(array('post_type' => '_pods_field', 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'suppress_filters' => \false)); if (!empty($pods)) { foreach ($pods as $apod) { $type = get_post_meta($apod->ID, 'type', \true); if ('pick' === $type) { $field_name = $apod->post_title; if ($info) { $field_name .= ' [' . $type . ']'; } $postMetas[$apod->post_name] = $field_name; $postMetasGrouped['PODS'][$apod->post_name] = $postMetas[$apod->post_name]; } } } if ($grouped) { return $postMetasGrouped; } return $postMetas; } public static function is_post_meta($meta_name = null) { $post_fields = array('ID', 'post_author', 'post_date', 'post_date_gmt', 'post_content', 'post_title', 'post_excerpt', 'post_status', 'comment_status', 'ping_status', 'post_password', 'post_name', 'to_ping', 'pinged', 'post_modified', 'post_modified_gmt', 'post_content_filtered', 'post_parent', 'guid', 'menu_order', 'post_type', 'post_mime_type', 'comment_count'); if ($meta_name) { if (\in_array($meta_name, $post_fields)) { return \false; } } return \true; } public static function is_userdata($field_name = null) { $user_fields = array('locale', 'syntax_highlighting', 'avatar', 'nickname', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'description', 'rich_editing', 'role', 'jabber', 'aim', 'yim', 'show_admin_bar_front'); if ($field_name) { if (\in_array($field_name, $user_fields) || !self::is_user_meta($field_name)) { return \true; } } return \false; } public static function is_user_meta($meta_name = null) { $user_fields = array('ID', 'user_login', 'user_pass', 'user_nicename', 'user_email', 'user_url', 'user_registered', 'user_activation_key', 'user_status', 'display_name'); if ($meta_name && \in_array($meta_name, $user_fields)) { return \false; } return \true; } public static function is_term_meta($meta_name = null) { $term_fields = array('term_id', 'name', 'slug', 'term_group', 'term_order'); if ($meta_name) { if (\in_array($meta_name, $term_fields)) { return \false; } } return \true; } public static function is_acf($key = '') { if ($key) { return self::get_acf_field_id($key); } return \false; } public static function get_acf_fields($types = [], $group = \false, $select = \false) { if (!\DynamicContentForElementor\Helper::is_acf_active()) { return []; } $acf_list = []; if (\is_string($types)) { $types = \DynamicContentForElementor\Helper::str_to_array(',', $types); } if ($select) { $acf_list[0] = __('Select the field...', 'dynamic-content-for-elementor'); } // ACF Fields saved in the database $acf_fields = get_posts(['post_type' => 'acf-field', 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'orderby' => 'title', 'suppress_filters' => \false]); // ACF Fields saved in JSON or PHP if (acf_have_local_fields()) { $local_fields = acf_get_local_fields(); foreach ($local_fields as $key => $value) { $acf_list[$value['key']] = $key . ' > ' . $value['label'] . ' [' . $value['key'] . '] (' . $value['type'] . ')'; } } if (empty($acf_fields) && empty($local_fields)) { return []; } foreach ($acf_fields as $acf_field) { $acf_field_parent = \false; if ($acf_field->post_parent) { $acf_field_parent = get_post($acf_field->post_parent); if ($acf_field_parent) { $acf_field_parent_settings = maybe_unserialize($acf_field_parent->post_content); } } $acf_field_settings = maybe_unserialize($acf_field->post_content); if (isset($acf_field_settings['type']) && (empty($types) || \in_array($acf_field_settings['type'], $types))) { if ($group && $acf_field_parent) { if (empty($acf_list[$acf_field_parent->post_excerpt]) || \is_array($acf_list[$acf_field_parent->post_excerpt])) { if (isset($acf_field_parent_settings['type']) && $acf_field_parent_settings['type'] == 'group') { $acf_list[$acf_field_parent->post_excerpt]['options'][$acf_field_parent->post_excerpt . '_' . $acf_field->post_excerpt] = $acf_field->post_title . ' [' . $acf_field->post_excerpt . '] (' . $acf_field_settings['type'] . ')'; } else { $acf_list[$acf_field_parent->post_excerpt]['options'][$acf_field->post_excerpt] = $acf_field->post_title . ' [' . $acf_field->post_excerpt . '] (' . $acf_field_settings['type'] . ')'; } $acf_list[$acf_field_parent->post_excerpt]['label'] = $acf_field_parent->post_title; } } else { if ($acf_field_parent) { if (isset($acf_field_parent_settings['type']) && $acf_field_parent_settings['type'] == 'group') { $acf_list[$acf_field_parent->post_excerpt . '_' . $acf_field->post_excerpt] = $acf_field_parent->post_title . ' > ' . $acf_field->post_title . ' [' . $acf_field->post_excerpt . '] (' . $acf_field_settings['type'] . ')'; //.$acf_field->post_content; //post_name, } else { $acf_list[$acf_field->post_excerpt] = $acf_field_parent->post_title . ' > ' . $acf_field->post_title . ' [' . $acf_field->post_excerpt . '] (' . $acf_field_settings['type'] . ')'; //.$acf_field->post_content; //post_name, } } } } } return $acf_list; } public static function get_acf_field_urlfile($group = \false) { return self::get_acf_fields(['file', 'url'], $group); } public static function get_acf_field_relations() { return self::get_acf_fields('relationship'); } public static function get_acf_field_value_relationship_invert($acf_relation_field, $post_id = 0) { if (!$post_id) { $post_id = get_the_ID(); } $posts_related = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'any', 'numberposts' => '-1', 'fields' => 'ids', 'meta_query' => array(array( 'key' => $acf_relation_field, 'value' => '"' . $post_id . '"', // matches exactly "123", not just 123. This prevents a match for "1234" 'compare' => 'LIKE', )))); return $posts_related; } public static function get_acf_field_relational_post() { return self::get_acf_fields(array('post_object', 'relationship')); } public static function get_acf_flexible_content_sub_fields_by_row($key, $row) { if (!self::is_acf_active()) { return []; } $fields = \get_field($key); $sub_fields = []; $row_counter = 0; if ($fields) { foreach ($fields as $field_key => $field_value) { $row_counter++; if ($row_counter === $row) { $sub_fields[] = $field_value; break; } } } unset($sub_fields[0]['acf_fc_layout']); return $sub_fields[0]; } public static function get_acf_repeater_fields($key) { if (isset(self::$meta_fields[$key]['fields'])) { return self::$meta_fields[$key]['fields']; } $sub_fields = array(); if (self::is_acf_active()) { $repeater_id = self::get_acf_field_id($key); // Repeater in a group $tmp = \explode('_', $key); while (empty($repeater_id) && \count($tmp) > 1) { \array_shift($tmp); $key = \implode('_', $tmp); $repeater_id = self::get_acf_field_id($key); } if (\is_array($repeater_id)) { $repeater_id_tmp = 0; foreach ($repeater_id as $rid) { $r_post = get_post($rid); $r_conf = maybe_unserialize($r_post->post_content); if (isset($r_conf['type']) && $r_conf['type'] == 'repeater') { $repeater_id_tmp = $rid; } } if ($repeater_id_tmp) { $repeater_id = $repeater_id_tmp; } } $fields = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'acf-field', 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_parent' => $repeater_id)); if (!empty($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $afield) { $settings = maybe_unserialize($afield->post_content); $settings['title'] = $afield->post_title; $sub_fields[$afield->post_excerpt] = $settings; } } } self::$meta_fields[$key]['fields'] = $sub_fields; return $sub_fields; } public static function get_acf_field_id($key, $multi = \false) { if (isset(self::$meta_fields[$key]['ID'])) { return self::$meta_fields[$key]['ID']; } global $wpdb; $query = 'SELECT ID FROM ' . $wpdb->posts . ' WHERE post_type = "acf-field" AND post_excerpt LIKE %s'; $prepared_query = $wpdb->prepare($query, $wpdb->esc_like($key)); $results = $wpdb->get_results($prepared_query); if (\count($results) > 1) { // bad acf configuration $field_ids = array(); foreach ($results as $afields) { $field_ids[] = $afields->ID; } if ($multi) { return $field_ids; } return \reset($field_ids); } $result = $wpdb->get_var($prepared_query); if ($result) { self::$meta_fields[$key]['ID'] = $result; return $result; } return \false; } public static function get_acf_field_settings($key) { if (isset(self::$meta_fields[$key]['settings'])) { return self::$meta_fields[$key]['settings']; } $field = self::get_acf_field_post($key); if ($field) { $settings = maybe_unserialize($field->post_content); self::$meta_fields[$key]['settings'] = $settings; return $settings; } return \false; } public static function get_acf_field_post($key, $multi = \false) { if (isset(self::$meta_fields[$key]['post'])) { return self::$meta_fields[$key]['post']; } if (\is_numeric($key)) { $post = get_post($key); self::$meta_fields[$key]['post'] = $post; return $post; } $field_id = self::get_acf_field_id($key, $multi); if ($field_id) { if (\is_array($field_id)) { if ($multi) { $posts = get_posts(array('post__in' => $field_id, 'posts_per_page' => -1)); self::$meta_fields[$key]['post'] = $posts; return $posts; } else { $field_id = \reset($field_id); } } if ($field_id) { $post = get_post($field_id); self::$meta_fields[$key]['post'] = $post; return $post; } } self::$meta_fields[$key]['post'] = \false; return \false; } public static function get_acf_field_value($idField, $id_page = null, $format = \true) { if (!$id_page) { $id_page = acf_get_valid_post_id(); } $dataACFieldPost = self::get_acf_field_post($idField); // field in a Repeater or in a Flexible content if ($dataACFieldPost) { $parentID = $dataACFieldPost->post_parent; $parent_settings = self::get_acf_field_settings($parentID); $custom_in_loop = apply_filters('dynamicooo/acf/in-loop', \false, $parent_settings); if (isset($parent_settings['type']) && ($parent_settings['type'] == 'repeater' || $parent_settings['type'] == 'flexible_content') || $custom_in_loop) { $parent_post = get_post($parentID); $row = acf_get_loop('active'); if (!$row) { if (have_rows($parent_post->post_excerpt, $id_page)) { the_row(); } } $sub_field_value = get_sub_field($idField); if ($sub_field_value !== \false) { return $sub_field_value; } } } // post $theField = \get_field($idField, $id_page, $format); if (!$theField) { $locations = self::get_acf_field_locations($dataACFieldPost); if (is_tax() || is_category() || is_tag() || \in_array('taxonomy', $locations)) { $term = get_queried_object(); $theField = \get_field($idField, $term, $format); } if (!$theField && is_author()) { $author_id = get_the_author_meta('ID'); $theField = \get_field($idField, 'user_' . $author_id, $format); } if (!$theField && \in_array('user', $locations)) { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $theField = \get_field($idField, 'user_' . $user_id, $format); } if (!$theField && \in_array('options', $locations)) { $theField = \get_field($idField, 'options', $format); } if (!$theField && \in_array('nav', $locations)) { $menu = wp_get_nav_menu_object($id_page); $theField = \get_field($idField, $menu, $format); } } return $theField; } public static function get_pods_fields($t = null) { $podsList = []; $podsList[0] = __('Select the field...', 'dynamic-content-for-elementor'); $pods = get_posts(array('post_type' => '_pods_field', 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'suppress_filters' => \false)); if (!empty($pods)) { foreach ($pods as $apod) { $type = get_post_meta($apod->ID, 'type', \true); if (!$t || $type == $t) { $title = $apod->post_title; if (!$t) { $title .= ' [' . $type . ']'; } $podsList[$apod->post_name] = $title; } } } return $podsList; } public static function get_toolset_fields($t = null) { $toolset_list = []; $toolset_list[0] = __('Select the field...', 'dynamic-content-for-elementor'); $toolset = get_option('wpcf-fields', \false); if ($toolset) { $toolfields = maybe_unserialize($toolset); if (!empty($toolfields)) { foreach ($toolfields as $atool) { $type = $atool['type']; if (!$t || $type == $t) { $title = $atool['name']; if (!$t) { $title .= ' [' . $type . ']'; } $toolset_list[$atool['meta_key']] = $title; } } } } return $toolset_list; } /** * Get Toolset Relationship Fields * * @return array */ public static function get_toolset_relationship_fields() { $toolset_list = []; $toolset_list[0] = __('Select the field...', 'dynamic-content-for-elementor'); $relationships = toolset_get_relationships([]); if (!empty($relationships)) { foreach ($relationships as $relationship) { $relationship_slug = $relationship['slug']; $toolset_list[$relationship_slug] = $relationship['labels']['plural']; } } return $toolset_list; } }
Fatal error: Trait 'DynamicContentForElementor\Meta' not found in /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-content-for-elementor/class/helper.php on line 15