* * @param array $columns * @return array */ public function taxonomy_columns_head($columns) { $columns['dce_template'] = DCE_PRODUCT_NAME . ' ' . __('Template', 'dynamic-content-for-elementor'); return $columns; } /** * Show the column content for taxonomies * * @param string $content * @param string $column_name * @param int|false $term_id * @return string */ public function taxonomy_columns_content($content, $column_name, $term_id = \false) { if ('dce_template' == $column_name && $term_id) { $content .= $this->get_taxonomy_column_content($term_id, 'head'); $content .= $this->get_taxonomy_column_content($term_id, 'block'); $content .= $this->get_taxonomy_column_content($term_id, 'single'); } return $content; } /** * Add a shortcode [dce-elementor-template] to display a template in WordPress with Elementor. * The shortcode accepts various attributes like 'id', 'post_id', 'author_id', 'user_id', 'term_id', 'ajax', 'loading', and 'inlinecss'. * * @param array $atts The array of attributes passed to the shortcode. * @return string The template HTML string or an empty string. */ public function add_shortcode_template($atts) { $atts = shortcode_atts(array('id' => '', 'post_id' => '', 'author_id' => '', 'user_id' => '', 'term_id' => '', 'ajax' => '', 'loading' => '', 'inlinecss' => \false), $atts, 'dce-elementor-template'); $atts['id'] = \intval($atts['id']); $atts['post_id'] = \intval($atts['post_id']); $atts['author_id'] = \intval($atts['author_id']); $atts['user_id'] = \intval($atts['user_id']); $atts['term_id'] = \intval($atts['term_id']); if ($atts['id'] !== '') { global $wp_query; $original_queried_object = $wp_query->queried_object; $original_queried_object_id = $wp_query->queried_object_id; if (!empty($atts['post_id'])) { global $post; $original_post = $post; $post = get_post($atts['post_id']); if ($post) { $wp_query->queried_object = $post; $wp_query->queried_object_id = $atts['post_id']; } } if (!empty($atts['author_id'])) { global $authordata; $original_author = $authordata; $authordata = get_user_by('ID', $atts['author_id']); if ($authordata) { $wp_query->queried_object = $authordata; $wp_query->queried_object_id = $atts['author_id']; } } if (!empty($atts['user_id'])) { global $user; global $current_user; $original_user = $current_user; $current_user = get_user_by('ID', $atts['user_id']); $user = $current_user; } if (!empty($atts['term_id'])) { global $term; $term = get_term($atts['term_id']); if ($term) { $wp_query->queried_object = $term; $wp_query->queried_object_id = $atts['term_id']; } } $inlinecss = $atts['inlinecss'] == 'true'; if (\Elementor\Plugin::$instance->editor->is_edit_mode()) { $inlinecss = \true; } if (!empty($atts['ajax']) && WP_DEBUG) { if (empty(\DynamicContentForElementor\Elements::$elements)) { add_action('elementor/frontend/widget/after_render', function ($widget = \false) { $styles = $widget->get_style_depends(); if (!empty($styles)) { foreach ($styles as $key => $style) { if (wp_doing_ajax()) { self::$template_styles[] = $style; } else { \DynamicContentForElementor\Assets::wp_print_styles($style); } } } }); if (wp_doing_ajax()) { add_action('elementor/frontend/the_content', function ($content = \false) { $styles = self::$template_styles; $add_styles = ''; if (!empty($styles)) { foreach ($styles as $key => $style) { $add_styles .= \DynamicContentForElementor\Assets::wp_print_styles($style, \false); } } // add also current document file return $content . $add_styles; }); } } } $dce_default_template = $atts['id']; if (!empty($atts['loading']) && $atts['loading'] == 'lazy') { $attributes = wp_json_encode($atts); $attributes = wp_slash($attributes); $optionals = ''; if (!empty($atts['post_id'])) { $optionals .= ' data-post="' . $atts['post_id'] . '"'; } if (!empty($atts['user_id'])) { $optionals .= ' data-user="' . $atts['user_id'] . '"'; } if (!empty($atts['term_id'])) { $optionals .= ' data-term="' . $atts['term_id'] . '"'; } if (!empty($atts['author_id'])) { $optionals .= ' data-author="' . $atts['author_id'] . '"'; } $template_page = '
'; } else { $template_page = self::get_template($dce_default_template, $inlinecss); } if (!empty($atts['post_id'])) { $post = $original_post; } if (!empty($atts['author_id'])) { $authordata = $original_author; } if (!empty($atts['user_id'])) { $user = $original_user; $current_user = $original_user; } $wp_query->queried_object = $original_queried_object; $wp_query->queried_object_id = $original_queried_object_id; return $template_page; } } /** * Add filters to manage layout on single (full width, canvas) and archives (boxed, full width, canvas) * * @return void */ private function manage_filters_layout() { add_filter('template_include', array($this, 'layout_static_templates'), 999999); add_filter('archive_template', array($this, 'layout_archive_templates'), 999999); } public function enfold_customization_author_archives($query) { if ($query->is_author && $query->post_type == 'post') { $query->set('post_type', 'any'); $query->set('posts_per_page', -1); } remove_action('pre_get_posts', 'enfold_customization_author_archives'); } /** * Get the post type of the queried object. * * @param \WP_Post|null $post The global post object. * @return string|null The post type of the queried object, or null if no post is associated with the taxonomy. */ public function get_post_type($post) { if ($post) { return $post->post_type; } else { // In case there is no post associated with this taxonomy. $tax_object = get_taxonomy(get_queried_object()->taxonomy); // Read the properties of the taxonomy and get the first associated type // (it would be nice to compare the whole array). TODO $post_type_array = $tax_object->object_type; return $post_type_array[0]; } } /** * Adds a default template before the content of a post. * * This method will set a default template before the content of a post based on * several conditions. It checks for a post type, taxonomy, and term and sets * the default template accordingly. The template is then rendered using the * Elementor's `do_shortcode` function. * * Note: The method makes use of the global variables `$post` and * `$default_template`. * * @global \WP_Post $post The post object. * @global string $default_template The ID of the default template. */ public function add_template_before_content() { global $post; global $default_template; $cpt = $this->get_post_type($post); $dce_default_template = ''; if (!$cpt) { return; } // Check for type if (!empty(self::$options['dyncontel_before_field_archive' . $cpt])) { $dce_default_template = self::$options['dyncontel_before_field_archive' . $cpt]; } if (get_queried_object() instanceof \WP_Term) { $taxonomy = get_queried_object()->taxonomy; // Check for taxonomy if (isset(self::$options['dyncontel_before_field_archive_taxonomy_' . $taxonomy]) && self::$options['dyncontel_before_field_archive_taxonomy_' . $taxonomy] > 0) { $dce_default_template = self::$options['dyncontel_before_field_archive_taxonomy_' . $taxonomy]; } // Check for term $term_id = get_queried_object()->term_id; if (!is_post_type_archive()) { $dce_default_template_term = get_term_meta($term_id, 'dynamic_content_head', \true); if (!empty($dce_default_template_term)) { $dce_default_template = $dce_default_template_term; } } } $default_template = $dce_default_template; if ($dce_default_template) { echo do_shortcode('[dce-elementor-template id="' . $dce_default_template . '"]'); } } /** * Adds a default template after the content of a post. * * @global \WP_Post $post The post object. * @global string $default_template The ID of the default template. */ public function add_template_after_content() { global $post; global $default_template; $cpt = $this->get_post_type($post); $dce_default_template = ''; if (!$cpt) { return; } // Check for type if (!empty(self::$options['dyncontel_after_field_archive' . $cpt])) { $dce_default_template = self::$options['dyncontel_after_field_archive' . $cpt]; } if (isset(get_queried_object()->taxonomy)) { $taxonomy = get_queried_object()->taxonomy; // Check for taxonomy if (!empty(self::$options['dyncontel_after_field_archive_taxonomy_' . $taxonomy])) { $dce_default_template = self::$options['dyncontel_after_field_archive_taxonomy_' . $taxonomy]; } } $default_template = $dce_default_template; if ($dce_default_template) { echo do_shortcode('[dce-elementor-template id="' . $dce_default_template . '"]'); } } /** * This method is used to set the layout for archive pages. * * @param string $single_template The current template. * @return string Returns the path of the selected template. */ public function layout_archive_templates($single_template) { global $post; if (is_404()) { return $single_template; } // if it is an author archive if (is_author()) { if (!empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archiveuser_template']) && !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archiveuser']) || !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_before_field_archiveuser']) || !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_after_field_archiveuser'])) { $single_template = DCE_PATH . 'template/user.php'; } } else { // Retrieves all CPTs that can have a template $typesRegistered = self::get_registered_types(); foreach ($typesRegistered as $type) { if (isset($post->post_type) && $post->post_type == $type && !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archive' . $type]) && !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archive' . $type . '_template'])) { $single_template = DCE_PATH . 'template/archive.php'; break; } } } return $single_template; } /** * This method is used to load the layout from the Elementor's template directory. It will either load the 'header-footer' * layout (Full-Width in our settings) or the 'canvas' layout. * * @param string $my_template The current template. * @return string Returns the path of the selected template. */ public function layout_static_templates($my_template) { global $post; $page_template_slug = get_page_template_slug(); $post_id = get_the_ID(); // Single post of any post type if (is_singular() && !$page_template_slug) { // Check if the post is part of a taxonomy that has a template associated with it $post_taxonomies = Helper::get_post_terms($post->ID); if (!empty($post_taxonomies)) { $my_template = $this->check_taxonomies($post_taxonomies, $my_template); } // Posts (not WooCommerce Products) $registered_types = self::get_registered_types(); foreach ($registered_types as $type) { if (isset($post->post_type) && $post->post_type == $type && $type != 'product') { $my_template = $this->check_post_type($type, $my_template); } } } $page_data = get_post_meta($post_id, 'dyncontel_elementor_templates', \true); // Product Archive Taxonomy // Check if an associated taxonomy has a template $registered_taxonomies = get_taxonomies(array('public' => \true)); $filtered_taxonomies = \array_diff($registered_taxonomies, self::$excluded_taxonomies); if (isset(get_queried_object()->taxonomy)) { $taxonomy = get_queried_object()->taxonomy; foreach ($filtered_taxonomies as $tax_key) { if ($taxonomy == $tax_key) { if (!empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archive_taxonomy_' . $tax_key]) && !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archive_taxonomy_' . $tax_key . '_template'])) { if (!is_404()) { $my_template = DCE_PATH . '/template/archive.php'; } } } } } // WooCommerce if (Helper::is_woocommerce_active()) { // WooCommerce Product - Single Page if (\is_product()) { if (!empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_singleproduct']) && 'publish' === get_post_status(self::$options['dyncontel_field_singleproduct']) && !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_singleproduct_blank'])) { if (!$page_template_slug) { $my_template = DCE_PATH . '/template/woocommerce.php'; } } if ($page_data != 1 && !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_singleproduct'])) { $my_template = DCE_PATH . '/template/woocommerce.php'; } } // WooCommerce Archives if (is_product_category() || is_product_tag()) { if (!empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archiveproduct']) && 'publish' === get_post_status(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archiveproduct']) && !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archiveproduct_blank'])) { if (!$page_template_slug) { if (!is_404()) { $my_template = DCE_PATH . '/template/archive.php'; } } } if ($page_data != 1 && !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archiveproduct'])) { if (!is_404()) { $my_template = DCE_PATH . '/template/archive.php'; } } } } // Attachment pages if (is_attachment() && !$page_template_slug) { if (!empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_singleattachment']) && 'publish' === get_post_status(self::$options['dyncontel_field_singleattachment']) && !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_singleattachment_blank'])) { $is_blank = self::$options['dyncontel_field_singleattachment_blank']; if ($is_blank == 1 || $is_blank == '1') { $is_blank = 'header-footer'; } // retrocompatibility $my_template = ELEMENTOR_PATH . 'modules/page-templates/templates/' . $is_blank . '.php'; } } // Search Page if (is_search()) { if (!empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archivesearch_template']) && !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archivesearch']) && 'publish' === get_post_status(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archivesearch'])) { $my_template = DCE_PATH . '/template/search.php'; } } // Author Archive if (is_author()) { if (!empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archiveuser_template']) && !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archiveuser']) && 'publish' === get_post_status(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archiveuser'])) { $single_template = DCE_PATH . '/template/user.php'; } } // Homepage if (is_home() || \function_exists('is_shop') && \is_shop()) { // Archive home pages if (!empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archive' . get_post_type()]) && 'publish' === get_post_status(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archive' . get_post_type()]) && !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archive' . get_post_type() . '_template']) && !is_404()) { $my_template = DCE_PATH . '/template/archive.php'; } // Check if it's a page and doesn't have a specific template in the theme folder if (is_page() && !$page_template_slug) { if (!empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_singlepage']) && 'publish' === get_post_status(self::$options['dyncontel_field_singlepage']) && !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_singlepage_blank'])) { $is_blank = self::$options['dyncontel_field_singlepage_blank']; if ($is_blank == 1 || $is_blank == '1') { $is_blank = 'header-footer'; } // retrocompatibility $my_template = ELEMENTOR_PATH . 'modules/page-templates/templates/' . $is_blank . '.php'; } } } return $my_template; } /** * This method checks if the post is part of a taxonomy that has a template associated with it and sets the template accordingly. * * @param array $taxonomies Array of taxonomies associated with the post. * @param string $template The current template. * @return string Returns the path of the selected template. */ private function check_taxonomies($taxonomies, $template) { foreach ($taxonomies as $tax_key => $tax) { $tax_name = $tax->taxonomy; if (!empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_single_taxonomy_' . $tax_name]) && 'publish' === get_post_status(self::$options['dyncontel_field_single_taxonomy_' . $tax_name]) && !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_single_taxonomy_' . $tax_name . '_blank'])) { $is_blank = self::$options['dyncontel_field_single_taxonomy_' . $tax_name . '_blank']; if ($is_blank == 1 || $is_blank == '1') { $is_blank = 'header-footer'; } // retrocompatibility $template = ELEMENTOR_PATH . '/modules/page-templates/templates/' . $is_blank . '.php'; break; } } return $template; } /** * This method checks if the post type has a specific template associated with it and sets the template accordingly. * * @param string $type The post type. * @param string $template The current template. * @return string Returns the path of the selected template. */ private function check_post_type($type, $template) { if (!empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_single' . $type]) && 'publish' === get_post_status(self::$options['dyncontel_field_single' . $type]) && !empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_single' . $type . '_blank'])) { $is_blank = self::$options['dyncontel_field_single' . $type . '_blank']; if ($is_blank == 1 || $is_blank == '1') { $is_blank = 'header-footer'; } // retrocompatibility $template = ELEMENTOR_PATH . '/modules/page-templates/templates/' . $is_blank . '.php'; } return $template; } /** * Remove content filter priority from Elementor * * @param string $content * @return string */ public function remove_elementor_content_filter_priority($content) { if (!empty(\Elementor\Frontend::THE_CONTENT_FILTER_PRIORITY)) { if (self::get_template_id()) { \Elementor\Frontend::instance()->remove_content_filter(); global $wp_filter; if (!empty($wp_filter['the_content']->callbacks[\Elementor\Frontend::THE_CONTENT_FILTER_PRIORITY])) { foreach ($wp_filter['the_content']->callbacks[\Elementor\Frontend::THE_CONTENT_FILTER_PRIORITY] as $key => $value) { if (\strpos($key, 'apply_builder_in_content') !== \false) { unset($wp_filter['the_content']->callbacks[\Elementor\Frontend::THE_CONTENT_FILTER_PRIORITY][$key]); } } } } } return $content; } /** * Filter the Content in the Main Loop * * @param string $content * @return string */ public function filter_the_content_in_the_main_loop($content) { // if current post has not its Elementor Template $dce_default_template = self::get_template_id(); if ($dce_default_template) { $content = self::get_template($dce_default_template); // fix Elementor PRO Post Content Widget static $did_posts = []; $did_posts[get_the_ID()] = \true; add_filter('elementor/widget/render_content', array($this, 'fix_elementor_pro_post_content_widget'), 11, 2); } return $content; } /** * Fix Elementor PRO Post Content Widget * * @param string $content * @param \Elementor\Widget_Base|false $widget * @return string */ public function fix_elementor_pro_post_content_widget($content, $widget = \false) { if ($widget && 'theme-post-content' === $widget->get_name()) { return get_the_content(); } return $content; } /** * Get post template ID * * @return int|false|string */ public static function get_post_template_id() { if (is_singular()) { $queried_object = get_queried_object(); if (!empty($queried_object) && '\\WP_Post' === \get_class($queried_object)) { $post = get_post(); if ($post === null) { return \false; } $doc = \Elementor\Plugin::$instance->documents->get($post->ID); if ($doc && $doc->is_built_with_elementor()) { return Helper::wpml_translate_object_id($post->ID); } } } return \false; } /** * Get Template ID * * @param boolean $head * @return int|void */ public static function get_template_id($head = \false) { if (self::$template_id) { // Return if the template doesn't exists if ('publish' !== get_post_status(self::$template_id)) { return; } return self::$template_id; } $dce_template = 0; // Check if we're inside the main loop in a single post page. if (in_the_loop() && is_main_query() || $head) { global $post; $cptype = \false; if ($post) { $cptype = $post->post_type; $cptaxonomy = get_post_taxonomies($post->ID); } $dce_default_template = ''; $template_page = ''; // ciclo i termini e ne ricavo l'id del template $taxonomyesRegistered = get_taxonomies(array('public' => \true)); if ($cptype && !\in_array($cptype, self::$supported_types)) { // SINGULAR if (is_singular()) { $custom_template = \false; // 1 - se nella pagina il metabox template è impostato diversamente da "default" $datopagina = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'dyncontel_elementor_templates', \true); if ($datopagina) { if ($datopagina > 1) { $dce_default_template = $datopagina; $dce_template = $dce_default_template; $custom_template = \true; } else { $custom_template = \true; } } // 2 - se esiste un template associato a un termine associato if (!$custom_template) { // leggo le taxonomy del post (I) foreach ($cptaxonomy as $chiave) { // leggo il temine del post (II) $terms_list_of_post = wp_get_post_terms(get_the_ID(), $chiave, array('fields' => 'all')); if (\count($terms_list_of_post) > 0) { foreach ($terms_list_of_post as $term_single) { $dce_default_template = get_term_meta($term_single->term_id, 'dynamic_content_single', \true); if (!empty($dce_default_template)) { if ($dce_default_template > 1) { $dce_template = $dce_default_template; $custom_template = \true; } } } } } } // 3 - se esiste un template associato alla tassonomia collegata if (!$custom_template) { foreach ($cptaxonomy as $aTaxo) { if (isset(self::$options['dyncontel_field_single_taxonomy_' . $aTaxo]) && is_taxonomy_hierarchical($aTaxo)) { // leggo il temine del post (II) $terms_list_of_post = wp_get_post_terms(get_the_ID(), $aTaxo, array('fields' => 'all')); if (\count($terms_list_of_post) > 0) { $dce_default_template = self::$options['dyncontel_field_single_taxonomy_' . $aTaxo]; if (!empty($dce_default_template)) { if ($dce_default_template > 1) { $dce_template = $dce_default_template; $custom_template = \true; } } } } } } // 4 - se esiste un template associato al post type if (!$custom_template && isset(self::$options['dyncontel_field_single' . $cptype])) { // altrimenti il dato è prelevato dai settings di "DynamicaContent" $dce_default_template = self::$options['dyncontel_field_single' . $cptype]; if (!empty($dce_default_template)) { if ($cptype != 'product' || !Helper::is_woocommerce_active()) { if ($dce_default_template > 1) { $dce_template = $dce_default_template; $custom_template = \true; } } } } } // ------ ENTRY o archive Blocks -------------- if (is_archive() || is_home()) { if (!is_author()) { // 4 - Type if (!empty(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archive' . $cptype])) { $dce_default_template = self::$options['dyncontel_field_archive' . $cptype]; } if (!is_post_type_archive() && !is_home()) { // qui sono nell'archivio del termine // 3 - Taxonomy foreach ($cptaxonomy as $chiave) { // 3 - Taxonomy if (isset(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archive_taxonomy_' . $chiave])) { $dce_default_template_taxo = self::$options['dyncontel_field_archive_taxonomy_' . $chiave]; if (!empty($dce_default_template_taxo) && $dce_default_template_taxo > 0) { $dce_default_template = $dce_default_template_taxo; } } } if (is_tax() || is_category() || is_tag()) { $termine_id = get_queried_object()->term_id; $chiave = get_queried_object()->taxonomy; if (\in_array($chiave, $cptaxonomy)) { // 3 bis - Taxonomy Current if (isset(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archive_taxonomy_' . $chiave])) { $dce_default_template_taxo = self::$options['dyncontel_field_archive_taxonomy_' . $chiave]; if (!empty($dce_default_template_taxo) && $dce_default_template_taxo > 0) { $dce_default_template = $dce_default_template_taxo; } } } // 2 - Termine $dce_default_template_term = get_term_meta($termine_id, 'dynamic_content_block', \true); if (!empty($dce_default_template_term) && $dce_default_template_term > 1) { $dce_default_template = $dce_default_template_term; } } } else { // qui sono nella home page dell'archivio foreach ($cptaxonomy as $chiave) { // 3 - Tayonomy if (isset(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archive_taxonomy_' . $chiave])) { $dce_default_template_taxo = self::$options['dyncontel_field_archive_taxonomy_' . $chiave]; if (!empty($dce_default_template_taxo) && $dce_default_template_taxo > 0) { $dce_default_template = $dce_default_template_taxo; } } } foreach ($cptaxonomy as $chiave) { // 2 - Termine $terms_list_of_post = wp_get_post_terms(get_the_ID(), $chiave, array('fields' => 'all')); if (\count($terms_list_of_post) > 0) { foreach ($terms_list_of_post as $term_single) { if ($term_single->taxonomy != 'post_format') { $dce_default_template_term = get_term_meta($term_single->term_id, 'dynamic_content_block', \true); } if (!empty($dce_default_template_term) && $dce_default_template_term > 1) { $dce_default_template = $dce_default_template_term; } } } } } // > conclusione if (!empty($dce_default_template)) { if ($dce_default_template > 1) { $dce_template = $dce_default_template; } } } } if (is_attachment() && isset(self::$options['dyncontel_field_singleattachment'])) { $dce_default_template = self::$options['dyncontel_field_singleattachment']; if (!empty($dce_default_template)) { if ($dce_default_template > 1) { $dce_template = $dce_default_template; } } } if (is_author() && isset(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archiveuser'])) { $dce_default_template = self::$options['dyncontel_field_archiveuser']; if (!empty($dce_default_template)) { if ($dce_default_template > 1) { $dce_template = $dce_default_template; } } } if (is_search() && isset(self::$options['dyncontel_field_archivesearch'])) { $dce_default_template = self::$options['dyncontel_field_archivesearch']; if (!empty($dce_default_template)) { if ($dce_default_template > 1) { $dce_template = $dce_default_template; } } } } } self::$template_id = Helper::wpml_translate_object_id($dce_template); return $dce_template; } public static function get_template($template_id, $inline_css = \false) { if (!$template_id) { return; } // Return if the template doesn't exists if ('publish' !== get_post_status($template_id)) { return; } // If WPML is active, retrieve the translation of the current template $template_id = Helper::wpml_translate_object_id($template_id); $template_id = \intval($template_id); $doc = \Elementor\Plugin::$instance->documents->get($template_id); if ($doc && $doc->is_built_with_elementor()) { $template_page = \Elementor\Plugin::instance()->frontend->get_builder_content($template_id, $inline_css); $template_page = self::css_class_fix($template_page, $template_id); return $template_page; } else { $post_n = get_post($template_id); $content_n = apply_filters('the_content', $post_n->post_content); echo $content_n; return; } } /** * Add Data Attributes to fix issue for templates in a loop * * @param \Elementor\Element_Base $element * @return void */ public function add_dce_background_data_attributes(\Elementor\Element_Base $element) { // Background Color $background_color = $element->get_settings_for_display('background_color'); if (!empty($background_color)) { $element->add_render_attribute('_wrapper', 'data-dce-background-color', $background_color, \true); } $background_hover_color = $element->get_settings_for_display('background_hover_color'); if (!empty($background_hover_color)) { $element->add_render_attribute('_wrapper', 'data-dce-background-hover-color', $background_hover_color, \true); } $background_overlay_color = $element->get_settings_for_display('background_overlay_color'); if (!empty($background_overlay_color)) { $element->add_render_attribute('_wrapper', 'data-dce-background-overlay-color', $background_overlay_color, \true); } $background_overlay_hover_color = $element->get_settings_for_display('background_overlay_hover_color'); if (!empty($background_overlay_hover_color)) { $element->add_render_attribute('_wrapper', 'data-dce-background-overlay-hover-color', $background_overlay_hover_color, \true); } // Background Image URL $background_image = $element->get_settings_for_display('background_image'); if (!empty($background_image['url'])) { $element->add_render_attribute('_wrapper', 'data-dce-background-image-url', $background_image['url'], \true); } $background_hover_image = $element->get_settings_for_display('background_hover_image'); if (!empty($background_hover_image['url'])) { $element->add_render_attribute('_wrapper', 'data-dce-background-hover-image-url', $background_hover_image['url'], \true); } $background_overlay_image = $element->get_settings_for_display('background_overlay_image'); if (!empty($background_overlay_image['url'])) { $element->add_render_attribute('_wrapper', 'data-dce-background-overlay-image-url', $background_overlay_image['url'], \true); } $background_overlay_hover_image = $element->get_settings_for_display('background_overlay_hover_image'); if (!empty($background_overlay_hover_image['url'])) { $element->add_render_attribute('_wrapper', 'data-dce-background-overlay-hover-image-url', $background_overlay_hover_image['url'], \true); } // Background Color on Advanced $advanced_background_color = $element->get_settings_for_display('_background_color'); if (!empty($advanced_background_color)) { $element->add_render_attribute('_wrapper', 'data-dce-advanced-background-color', $advanced_background_color, \true); } $advanced_background_hover_color = $element->get_settings_for_display('_background_hover_color'); if (!empty($advanced_background_hover_color)) { $element->add_render_attribute('_wrapper', 'data-dce-advanced-background-hover-color', $advanced_background_hover_color, \true); } // Background Image on Advanced $advanced_background_image = $element->get_settings_for_display('_background_image'); if (!empty($advanced_background_image['url'])) { $element->add_render_attribute('_wrapper', 'data-dce-advanced-background-image-url', $advanced_background_image['url'], \true); } $advanced_background_hover_image = $element->get_settings_for_display('background_hover_image'); if (!empty($advanced_background_hover_image['url'])) { $element->add_render_attribute('_wrapper', 'data-dce-advanced-background-hover-image-url', $advanced_background_hover_image['url'], \true); } } /** * CSS Class Fix * * @param string $content * @param int $template_id * @return string */ public static function css_class_fix(string $content = '', int $template_id = 0) { if (empty($content)) { return $content; } $template_html_id = Helper::get_template_id_by_html($content); if ($template_id && $template_id !== $template_html_id) { $content = \str_replace('class="elementor elementor-' . $template_html_id . ' ', 'class="elementor elementor-' . $template_id . ' ', $content); } else { $template_id = $template_html_id; } if ($template_id) { $queried_object = get_queried_object(); $queried_object_id = get_queried_object_id(); $queried_object_type = Helper::get_queried_object_type(); if ('post' === $queried_object_type) { $queried_object_id = get_the_ID(); } if (Helper::is_acfpro_active()) { $row = acf_get_loop('active'); if ($row) { $queried_object_type = 'row'; $queried_object_id = get_row_index(); } } $content = \str_replace('class="elementor elementor-' . $template_id . ' ', 'class="elementor elementor-' . $template_id . ' dce-elementor-' . $queried_object_type . '-' . $queried_object_id . ' ', $content); $content = \str_replace('class="elementor elementor-' . $template_id . '"', 'class="elementor elementor-' . $template_id . ' dce-elementor-' . $queried_object_type . '-' . $queried_object_id . '"', $content); $pieces = \explode('data-elementor-id="', $content, 2); foreach ($pieces as $pkey => $apiece) { if ($pkey) { list($eid, $more) = \explode('"', $apiece, 2); $new_content .= 'data-elementor-id="' . $eid . '" data-' . $queried_object_type . '-id="' . $queried_object_id . '" data-obj-id="' . $queried_object_id . '"' . $more; } else { $new_content = $apiece; } } $content = $new_content; $content = \str_replace('data-' . $queried_object_type . '-id="' . $queried_object_id . '" data-' . $queried_object_type . '-id="' . $queried_object_id . '"', 'data-' . $queried_object_type . '-id="' . $queried_object_id . '"', $content); $content = \str_replace('data-' . $queried_object_type . '-id="' . $queried_object_id . '" data-' . $queried_object_type . '-id="', 'data-' . $queried_object_type . '-id="', $content); $content = \str_replace('data-' . $queried_object_type . '-id="' . $queried_object_id . '" data-obj-id="' . $queried_object_id . '" data-' . $queried_object_type . '-id="' . $queried_object_id . '" data-obj-id="' . $queried_object_id . '"', 'data-' . $queried_object_type . '-id="' . $queried_object_id . '" data-obj-id="' . $queried_object_id . '"', $content); } return $content; } /** * Fix Style * * Change Selector to fix background images in a loop * * @param \Elementor\Element_Base $element * @return void */ public function fix_style(\Elementor\Element_Base $element) { $settings = $element->get_settings_for_display(); if (empty($settings['__dynamic__'])) { return; } $css = ''; $element_id = $element->get_id(); $element_controls = $element->get_controls(); $queried_object_type = Helper::get_queried_object_type(); $queried_object_id = get_queried_object_id(); if (Helper::is_acfpro_active()) { $row = acf_get_loop('active'); if ($row) { $queried_object_type = 'row'; $queried_object_id = get_row_index(); } } foreach ($settings['__dynamic__'] as $key => $dsetting) { $tmp = \explode('_', $key); $device_detected = \array_pop($tmp); if (\in_array($device_detected, ['tablet', 'mobile'], \true)) { $devices = [$device_detected => $key]; } else { $devices = ['desktop' => $key]; } foreach ($devices as $device => $setting_key) { $selector = '.dce-fix-background-loop .dce-elementor-' . $queried_object_type . '-' . $queried_object_id; if ('desktop' !== $device) { $selector = '[data-elementor-device-mode="' . $device . '"] ' . $selector; } if (isset($element_controls[$setting_key])) { if (!empty($element_controls[$key]['selectors'])) { foreach ($element_controls[$key]['selectors'] as $skey => $svalue) { $rule_value = \false; $rule_selector = \str_replace('{{WRAPPER}}', $selector . ' .elementor-element.elementor-element-' . $element_id, $skey); if (!empty($settings[$setting_key])) { if (\is_array($settings[$setting_key])) { if (!empty($settings[$setting_key]['url'])) { $rule_value = \str_replace('{{URL}}', $settings[$setting_key]['url'], $svalue); } } else { $rule_value = \str_replace('{{VALUE}}', $settings[$setting_key], $svalue); } } if ($rule_value) { $css .= $rule_selector . '{' . $rule_value . '}'; } } } } } } if ($css) { $css = ''; if (!wp_doing_ajax()) { $css = \DynamicContentForElementor\Assets::dce_enqueue_style('template-fix-' . $element->get_id() . '-inline', $css); } echo $css; } } /** * Retrieve all Custom Post Types * * @return array */ public static function get_registered_types() { $types_registered = get_post_types(['public' => \true], 'names', 'and'); $types_excluded = self::$supported_types; return \array_diff($types_registered, $types_excluded); } }
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'DynamicContentForElementor\TemplateSystem' not found in /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-content-for-elementor/core/plugin.php:166 Stack trace: #0 /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-content-for-elementor/core/plugin.php(128): DynamicContentForElementor\Plugin->init_managers() #1 /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-content-for-elementor/core/plugin.php(95): DynamicContentForElementor\Plugin->init() #2 /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-content-for-elementor/core/plugin.php(122): DynamicContentForElementor\Plugin->__construct() #3 /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-content-for-elementor/core/plugin.php(259): DynamicContentForElementor\Plugin::instance() #4 /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-content-for-elementor/dynamic-content-for-elementor.php(200): require_once('/home/sportuga/...') #5 /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): dce_load('') #6 /home/spo in /home/sportuga/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-content-for-elementor/core/plugin.php on line 166